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Waste Tracker automatically extracts, structures and enhances the key information contained within waste tracking slips (non-hazardous, hazardous, containing asbestos, dematerialised from TrackWaste, etc.). 


    Leverage the power of AI

    Automatically convert your waste tracking slips into structured and usable data on a continuous basis using our artificial intelligence methodologies.

    Visualise the data collected within an ergonomic interface.
  • Increase your monitoring capacity

    Manually correct the data when the information is misinterpreted by the artificial intelligence using the input interface available within the tool.

    Monitor your entire business with customised performance and data quality indicators. 

Have a look at Waste Tracker

Improve your operational performance

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    Optimise the time spent on monitoring on all your sites.

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    Automatically generate the waste tracking register in accordance with regulatory obligations.

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    Database Repository

    Archive all waste tracking slips in the tool's database.

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    Make it simple and efficient for the different actors in charge of the responsibility and the follow-up of the waste, such as the MOA, the AMOA Environment and the MOE, to collaborate by delimiting the roles of each.

They trust us

  • Logo Icade
  • Les apports de la solution dans sa version actuelle sont nombreux :
    Être conforme : la solution dote les équipes sur le terrain d'un outil pouvant répondre rapidement aux obligations réglementaires (alimentation de TrackDéchets, édition d'un registre chronologiq

    Franck Calvar
  • Within the framework of regulatory obligations concerning waste, companies that produce or hold waste are subject to strong traceability constraints. Indeed, the real estate industry must be able to generate a waste tracking register containing all the key information on the path of hazardous and non-hazardous waste. As this data is not digitised, it is difficult for business players to follow the waste path, and therefore, to manage their activity. With Waste Tracker, Icade digitises all its waste tracking slips as soon as they are validated by the various stakeholders. Once digitised, the property group can automatically generate the waste register and consult the various indicators calculated within the tool. 

    Discover our major study on waste performance.


    Sia Partners has carried out a study of the waste performance of the CAC 40 groups (waste produced between 2018 and 2021), thus highlighting the most sober companies and those that have developed a good knowledge of their waste.



    Waste performance is the ability of a company to know and control its waste production, and in particular the associated costs. Our study of CAC 40 groups shows that in terms of total costs, waste represents 2% of sales. In addition, companies are faced with regulatory and societal constraints that are having an increasing impact on their activities.



    Link to the full study report

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